Lots of spooky fun in the park! Join us as we celebrate Halowe’en 6:00 – 8:30 p.m.
Tag: Durand Park - page 2
Bring your carved pumpkin for the pumpkin parade! Join the scavenger hunt! Treat bags and more!
DURAND B.O.D. Our AGM was held on October 18 and the new slate for the board of the Durand Neighbourhood Association is as follows: Dennis Baker, Roberta Harman, Barb Henderson, Wesley Jamieson, David Levy, Frances Murray, Paul Nichols, Christopher Redmond, Geoff Roche, Anne Tennier, Yonatan Rozenszjan We’re looking forward to a busy and productive year!..
Thank you to everyone who crossed their fingers and toes for good weather tomorrow. The forecast is for a slightly chilly but dry day on Saturday, and we will begin showing the movie (The Minions Movie) at 7:45. Bring chairs and blankets! Please join us in our beautiful new park tomorrow at 5 p.m. There will..
Hi Duranders, You may have had the good luck to run into some artists painting in the Durand neighbourhood this summer. These intrepid artists from the Dundas Valley School of Art did not let the high heat and humidity deter them from completing fabulous paintings of familiar places. Now you will have a chance to..